183 lines
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183 lines
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import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
from src import CONFIG_FILE, ROOT
from src import log
logger = logging.getLogger('app')
def get_or_raise(env):
Check if needed environment variables are given.
:param env: key
:type env: str
:return: value
:rtype: str
env_value = os.getenv(env)
if not env_value:
raise RuntimeError('The environment variable {0:s} is missing.'
'Please check docker image or Dockerfile!'.format(env))
return env_value
def str_to_bool(str):
Convert string to boolean.
:param str: given string
:type str: str
:return: converted string
:rtype: bool
return str.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', '1')
except AttributeError as err:
API_LEVEL = get_or_raise('API_LEVEL')
PROCESSOR = get_or_raise('PROCESSOR')
SYS_IMG = get_or_raise('SYS_IMG')
logger.info('Android version: {version} \n'
'API level: {level} \n'
'Processor: {processor} \n'
'System image: {img}'.format(version=ANDROID_VERSION, level=API_LEVEL, processor=PROCESSOR,
def prepare_avd(device, avd_name):
Create and run android virtual device.
:param device: Device name
:type device: str
:param avd_name: Name of android virtual device / emulator
:type avd_name: str
cmd = 'echo no | android create avd -f -n {name} -t android-{api} -b {sys_img}'.format(
name=avd_name, api=API_LEVEL, sys_img=SYS_IMG)
# Link emulator skins
skin_rsc_path = os.path.join(ROOT, 'devices', 'skins')
logger.info('Skin ressource path: {rsc}'.format(rsc=skin_rsc_path))
skin_dst_path = os.path.join(ANDROID_HOME, 'platforms', 'android-{api}'.format(api=API_LEVEL), 'skins')
logger.info('Skin destination path: {dst}'.format(dst=skin_dst_path))
for s in os.listdir(skin_rsc_path):
os.symlink(os.path.join(skin_rsc_path, s), os.path.join(skin_dst_path, s))
# Hardware and its skin
device_name_bash = device.replace(' ', '\ ')
skin_name = device.replace(' ', '_').lower()
logger.info('Device name in bash: {db}, Skin name: {skin}'.format(db=device_name_bash, skin=skin_name))
# For custom hardware profile
profile_dst_path = os.path.join(ROOT, '.android', 'devices.xml')
if 'samsung' in device.lower():
# profile file name = skin name
profile_src_path = os.path.join(ROOT, 'devices', 'profiles', '{profile}.xml'.format(profile=skin_name))
logger.info('Hardware profile resource path: {rsc}'.format(rsc=profile_src_path))
logger.info('Hardware profile destination path: {dst}'.format(dst=profile_dst_path))
os.symlink(profile_src_path, profile_dst_path)
# Append command
cmd += ' -d {device} -s {skin}'.format(device=device_name_bash, skin=skin_name)
logger.info('AVD creation command: {cmd}'.format(cmd=cmd))
titel = 'AVD creation process'
subprocess.check_call('xterm -T "{titel}" -n "{titel}" -e \"{cmd}\"'.format(titel=titel, cmd=cmd), shell=True)
def appium_run(avd_name):
Run appium server.
:param avd_name: Name of android virtual device / emulator
:type avd_name: str
cmd = 'appium'
grid_connect = str_to_bool(str(os.getenv('CONNECT_TO_GRID', False)))
logger.info('Connect to selenium grid? {connect}'.format(connect=grid_connect))
if grid_connect:
appium_host = os.getenv('APPIUM_HOST', '')
appium_port = int(os.getenv('APPIUM_PORT', 4723))
selenium_host = os.getenv('SELENIUM_HOST', '')
selenium_port = int(os.getenv('SELENIUM_PORT', 4444))
create_node_config(avd_name, appium_host, appium_port, selenium_host, selenium_port)
cmd += ' --nodeconfig {file}'.format(file=CONFIG_FILE)
except ValueError as v_err:
titel = 'Appium Server'
subprocess.check_call('xterm -T "{titel}" -n "{titel}" -e \"{cmd}\"'.format(titel=titel, cmd=cmd), shell=True)
def create_node_config(avd_name, appium_host, appium_port, selenium_host, selenium_port):
Create custom node config file in json format to be able to connect with selenium server.
:param avd_name: Name of android virtual device / emulator
:type avd_name: str
:param appium_host: Host where appium server is running
:type appium_host: str
:param appium_port: Port number where where appium server is running
:type appium_port: int
:param selenium_host: Host where selenium server is running
:type selenium_host: str
:param selenium_port: Port number where selenium server is running
:type selenium_port: int
config = {
'capabilities': [
'platform': 'Android',
'platformName': 'Android',
'browserName': avd_name,
'maxInstances': 1,
'configuration': {
'cleanUpCycle': 2000,
'timeout': 30000,
'proxy': 'org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy',
'url': 'http://{host}:{port}/wd/hub'.format(host=appium_host, port=appium_port),
'host': appium_host,
'port': appium_port,
'maxSession': 6,
'register': True,
'registerCycle': 5000,
'hubHost': selenium_host,
'hubPort': selenium_port
logger.info('Appium node config: {config}'.format(config=config))
with open(CONFIG_FILE, 'w') as cf:
def run():
"""Run app."""
device = os.getenv('DEVICE', 'Nexus 5')
logger.info('Device: {device}'.format(device=device))
avd_name = '{device}_{version}'.format(device=device.replace(' ', '_').lower(), version=ANDROID_VERSION)
logger.info('AVD name: {avd}'.format(avd=avd_name))
prepare_avd(device, avd_name)
appium = str_to_bool(str(os.getenv('APPIUM', True)))
if appium:
if __name__ == '__main__':