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Appium is automation test framework to test mobile website and mobile application, including android. To be able to use appium, you need to run appium-server. You run appium server inside docker-android container by ***opening port 4723*** and ***passing an environment variable APPIUM=true***.
There is [example of compose file] to run complete selenium grid and docker-android container as nodes. [docker-compose] version [1.13.0] or higher is required to be able to execute that compose file.
The Docker "Android Emulator" images contain Google Play Service (v12.8.74) and Google Play Store (v11.0.50). Both applications are downloaded from [apklinker](https://www.apklinker.com/), so please be aware of it in case you use private/company account to that applications.
docker-android can be used for building Android project and executing its unit test. This following steps will illustrate how to build Android project:
1. Clone [this sample test project](https://github.com/googlesamples/android-testing).
Use [device.json] to define the device to start. You can specify the port on which the device will start so you don't need to change the device name in your tests every time you need to run those tests. Then run following command
In order to connect to the emulator using already generated adbkey on your machine you will need to mount your `.android` folder to the container (this is needed only when you work with emulator based on playstore image):
How to use docker-android in VMWare or Parallels Desktop
The following instructions are used for OS X. You'll need [docker-machine-parallels](https://github.com/Parallels/docker-machine-parallels) to create a virtual machine (vm) with tiny core linux for running docker images. After that, you may start the vm you created for VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop and run a docker container inside this vm. If you're going to use the android docker of emulator with x86 processor, setup this vm for nested virtualization and kvm support before you run a docker container.
This utility `docker-machine-parallels` will fetch boot2docker.iso to create a vm of VMWare fusion or Parallels Desktop. When the vm is created, you'll see it's booted with VMWare fusion or Parallels Desktop where the network of vm is set to NAT and one IP is assigned. You'll be able to connect to vnc service inside the docker image through that IP. Say it's `` and we'll use it later.
If you use VMWare Fusion, go to menu bar > Vitual Machine > Settings > Processors and Memory, expand Advanced options, and select `Enable hypervisor applications in this virtual machine`.
If you use Parallels Desktop, open settings screen of that vm and go to `CPU & Memory` under `hardware` tab, expand Advanced settings and select `Enable nested virtualization`.
When the services inside this docker container are running, connect to (the IP we got when the docker machine was created) and login. The emulator with x86 processor should be running on screen.