FROM ubuntu:16.04 ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive #============= # Set WORKDIR #============= WORKDIR /root #================== # General Packages #------------------ # git # Clone git repository # wget # Network downloader # unzip # Unzip zip file # curl # Transfer data from or to a server # xterm # Terminal emulator # supervisor # Process manager # openjdk-8-jdk # Java # libqt5webkit5 # Web content engine (Fix issue in Android) #------------------ # NoVNC Packages #------------------ # xvfb # X virtual framebuffer # x11vnc # VNC server for X display # openbox # Windows manager # menu # Debian menu # python-numpy # Numpy, For faster performance: # net-tools # Netstat #------------------ # KVM Package # for emulator x86 # #------------------ # qemu-kvm # libvirt-bin # ubuntu-vm-builder # bridge-utils #================== RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ git \ wget \ unzip \ curl \ xterm \ supervisor \ openjdk-8-jdk \ libqt5webkit5 \ xvfb \ x11vnc \ openbox \ menu \ python-numpy \ net-tools \ qemu-kvm \ libvirt-bin \ ubuntu-vm-builder \ bridge-utils \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* #====================== # Clone noVNC projects #====================== RUN git clone \ && cd noVNC/utils && git clone websockify #===================== # Install Android SDK #===================== ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre ENV PATH ${PATH}:${JAVA_HOME}/bin ENV SDK_VERSION=25.2.3 \ ANDROID_HOME=/root RUN wget -O${SDK_VERSION} \ && unzip && rm ENV PATH ${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools RUN echo y | android update sdk --no-ui -a --filter platform-tools ENV PATH ${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools #==================================== # Install latest nodejs, npm, appium #==================================== RUN curl -sL | bash - \ && apt-get update && apt-get install -y nodejs && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ENV APPIUM_VERSION 1.6.3 RUN npm install -g appium@$APPIUM_VERSION && npm cache clean #====================== # Install SDK packages #====================== ARG ANDROID_VERSION=5.0.1 ARG BUILD_TOOL=21.1.2 ARG API_LEVEL=21 ARG PROCESSOR=x86 ARG SYS_IMG=x86_64 ENV ANDROID_VERSION=$ANDROID_VERSION \ BUILD_TOOL=$BUILD_TOOL \ API_LEVEL=$API_LEVEL \ PROCESSOR=$PROCESSOR \ SYS_IMG=$SYS_IMG RUN echo y | android update sdk --no-ui -a --filter build-tools-${BUILD_TOOL} ENV PATH ${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/build-tools RUN rm ${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/emulator \ && ln -s ${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/emulator64-${PROCESSOR} ${ANDROID_HOME}/tools/emulator RUN echo y | android update sdk --no-ui -a -t android-${API_LEVEL},sys-img-${SYS_IMG}-android-${API_LEVEL} #================================================ # noVNC Default Configurations # These Configurations can be changed through -e #================================================ ENV DISPLAY=:0 \ SCREEN=0 \ SCREEN_WIDTH=1600 \ SCREEN_HEIGHT=900 \ SCREEN_DEPTH=16 \ LOCAL_PORT=5900 \ TARGET_PORT=6080 \ TIMEOUT=1 \ LOG_PATH=/var/log/supervisor RUN ln -s noVNC/vnc_auto.html noVNC/index.html #=============== # Expose Ports #--------------- # 4723 # appium port # 6080 # noVNC port #=============== EXPOSE 4723 6080 #====================== # Add Emulator Devices #====================== COPY devices /root/devices #=================== # Run docker-appium #=================== COPY src /root/src COPY supervisord.conf /root/ CMD /usr/bin/supervisord --configuration supervisord.conf