#!/bin/bash types=($TYPES) echo "Available types: ${types[@]}" echo "Selected type of deployment: $TYPE, Template file: $TEMPLATE" function prepare_geny_cloud() { contents=$(cat $TEMPLATE) # LogIn echo "Log In" gmsaas auth login "${USER}" "${PASS}" # Start device(s) created_instances=() echo "Creating device(s) based on given json file..." for row in $(echo "${contents}" | jq -r '.[] | @base64'); do get_value() { echo ${row} | base64 --decode | jq -r ${1} } template=$(get_value '.template') device=$(get_value '.device') port=$(get_value '.port') echo "Starting \"$device\" with template name \"$template\"..." instance_uuid=$(gmsaas instances start "${template}" "${device}") echo "Instance-ID: \"$instance_uuid\"" created_instances+=("${instance_uuid}") if [[ $port != null ]]; then echo "Connect device on port \"$port\"..." gmsaas instances adbconnect "${instance_uuid}" --adb-serial-port "${port}" else echo "Connect device on port..." gmsaas instances adbconnect "${instance_uuid}" fi done # Store created instances in a file echo "All created instances: ${created_instances[@]}" echo "${created_instances[@]}" > "${INSTANCES_PATH}" } function prepare_geny_aws() { contents=$(cat $TEMPLATE) # Creating aws tf file(s) echo "Creating tf file(s)" index=1 port=5555 for row in $(echo "${contents}" | jq -r '.[] | @base64'); do get_value() { echo ${row} | base64 --decode | jq -r ${1} } region=$(get_value '.region') android_version=$(get_value '.android_version') instance=$(get_value '.instance') ami=$(get_value '.AMI') sg=$(get_value '.SG') subnet_id=$(get_value '.subnet_id') if [[ $subnet_id == null ]]; then subnet_id="" fi echo $region echo $android_version echo $instance echo $ami echo $sg echo $subnet_id #TODO: remove this dirty hack if [[ $android_version == null ]]; then echo "[HACK] Version cannot be empty! version will be added!" android_version="6.0" fi #Custom Security Group if [[ $sg != null ]]; then echo "Custom security group is found!" security_group="" is_array=$(echo "${sg}" | jq 'if type=="array" then true else false end') if [ $is_array == "true" ]; then echo "New security group with given rules will be created" for i in $(echo "${sg}" | jq -r '.[] | @base64'); do get_value() { echo ${i} | base64 --decode | jq -r ${1} } type=$(get_value '.type') configs=$(get_value '.configurations') for c in $(echo "${configs}" | jq -r '.[] | @base64'); do get_value() { echo ${c} | base64 --decode | jq -r ${1} } from_port=$(get_value '.from_port') to_port=$(get_value '.to_port') protocol=$(get_value '.protocol') cidr_blocks=$(get_value '.cidr_blocks') security_group+=$(cat <<_EOF $type { from_port = $from_port to_port = $to_port protocol = "$protocol" cidr_blocks = ["$cidr_blocks"] } _EOF ) done done else #TODO: remove this dirty hack echo "Given security group will be used!" is_array="false" security_group=$(cat <<_EOF ingress { from_port = 22 to_port = 22 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [""] } _EOF ) fi else echo "Custom security is not found! It will use default security group!" security_group=$(cat <<_EOF ingress { from_port = 22 to_port = 22 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [""] } ingress { from_port = 80 to_port = 80 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [""] } ingress { from_port = 443 to_port = 443 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [""] } ingress { from_port = 51000 to_port = 51100 protocol = "tcp" cidr_blocks = [""] } ingress { from_port = 51000 to_port = 51100 protocol = "udp" cidr_blocks = [""] } egress { from_port = 0 to_port = 65535 protocol = "udp" cidr_blocks = [""] } _EOF ) fi aws_tf_content=$(cat <<_EOF variable "aws_region_$index" { type = "string" default = "$region" } variable "android_version_$index" { type = "string" default = "$android_version" } variable "instance_type_$index" { type = "string" default = "$instance" } variable "subnet_id_$index" { type = "string" default = "$subnet_id" } provider "aws" { alias = "provider_$index" region = "\${var.aws_region_$index}" } resource "aws_security_group" "geny_sg_$index" { provider = "aws.provider_$index" $security_group } data "aws_ami" "geny_aws_$index" { provider = "aws.provider_$index" most_recent = true filter { name = "name" values = ["genymotion-ami-\${var.android_version_$index}-*"] } owners = ["679593333241"] #Genymotion } resource "aws_key_pair" "geny_key_$index" { provider = "aws.provider_$index" public_key = "\${file("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub")}" } resource "aws_instance" "geny_aws_$index" { provider = "aws.provider_$index" ami="\${data.aws_ami.geny_aws_$index.id}" instance_type = "\${var.instance_type_$index}" subnet_id = "\${var.subnet_id_$index}" vpc_security_group_ids=["\${aws_security_group.geny_sg_$index.name}"] key_name = "\${aws_key_pair.geny_key_$index.key_name}" tags { Name = "DockerAndroid-\${data.aws_ami.geny_aws_$index.id}" } count = 1 provisioner "remote-exec" { connection { type = "ssh" user = "shell" private_key = "\${file("~/.ssh/id_rsa")}" } script = "/root/enable_adb.sh" } } output "public_dns_$index" { value = "\${aws_instance.geny_aws_$index.public_dns}" } _EOF ) echo "$aws_tf_content" > /root/aws_tf_$index.tf if [[ $ami != null ]]; then echo "Using given AMI!" sed -i "s/.*ami=.*/ ami=\"$ami\"/g" /root/aws_tf_$index.tf else echo "Custom AMI is not found. It will use the latest AMI!" fi if [[ $sg != null ]] && [[ $is_array == "false" ]]; then echo "Using given security group: $sg" sed -i "s/.*vpc_security_group_ids=.*/ vpc_security_group_ids=[\"$sg\"]/g" /root/aws_tf_$index.tf fi echo "---------------------------------------------------------" ((index++)) ((port++)) done # Deploy EC2 instance(s) echo "Deploy EC2 instance(s) on AWS with Genymotion image based on given json file..." ./terraform init ./terraform plan ./terraform apply -auto-approve # Workaround to connect adb remotely because there is a issue by using local-exec time_sleep=5 interval_sleep=1 echo "Connect to adb remotely" for ((i=index;i>=1;i--)); do dns=$(./terraform output public_dns_$i) ((sleep ${interval_sleep} && adb connect localhost:${port}) > /dev/null & ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -q -NL ${port}:localhost:5555 shell@${dns}) & ((port--)) time_sleep=$((time_sleep+interval_sleep)) done echo "It will wait for ${time_sleep} until all device(s) to be connected" sleep ${time_sleep} adb devices echo "Process is completed" } function run_appium() { echo "Preparing appium-server..." CMD="appium --log $APPIUM_LOG" if [ "$CONNECT_TO_GRID" = true ]; then NODE_CONFIG_JSON="/root/src/nodeconfig.json" /root/generate_config.sh $NODE_CONFIG_JSON CMD+=" --nodeconfig $NODE_CONFIG_JSON" fi if [ "$RELAXED_SECURITY" = true ]; then CMD+=" --relaxed-security" fi echo "Preparation is done" $CMD } function ga(){ if [ "$GA" = true ]; then echo "Collecting data for improving the project" description="PROCESSOR: ${SYS_IMG}; VERSION: ${ANDROID_VERSION}; DEVICE: ${DEVICE}; APPIUM: ${APPIUM}; SELENIUM: ${CONNECT_TO_GRID}; MOBILE_TEST: ${MOBILE_WEB_TEST}" random_user=$(cat /proc/version 2>&1 | sed -e 's/ /_/g' | sed -e 's/[()]//g' | sed -e 's/@.*_gcc_version/_gcc/g' | sed -e 's/__/_/g' | sed -e 's/Linux_version_//g' | sed -e 's/generic_build/genb/g') random_user="${APP_RELEASE_VERSION}_${random_user}" payload=( --data v=${GA_API_VERSION} --data aip=1 --data tid="${GA_TRACKING_ID}" --data cid="${random_user}" --data t="event" --data ec="${APP_TYPE}" --data ea="${random_user}" --data el="${description}" --data an="docker-android" --data av="${APP_RELEASE_VERSION}" ) curl ${GA_ENDPOINT} "${payload[@]}" --silent else echo "Nothing to do" fi } function saltstack(){ if [ ! -z "${SALT_MASTER}" ]; then echo "ENV SALT_MASTER it not empty, salt-minion will be prepared" echo "master: ${SALT_MASTER}" >> /etc/salt/minion salt-minion & echo "salt-minion is running..." else echo "SaltStack is disabled" fi } ga saltstack if [ "$REAL_DEVICE" = true ]; then echo "Using real device" run_appium elif [ "$GENYMOTION" = true ]; then echo "Using Genymotion" echo "${types[@]}" case $TYPE in "${types[0]}" ) echo "Using Genymotion-Cloud (SaaS)" prepare_geny_cloud run_appium ;; "${types[1]}" ) echo "Using Genymotion-AWS" prepare_geny_aws run_appium ;; esac else echo "Using Emulator" python3 -m src.app fi