#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e OS=$(uname -s | tr A-Z a-z) if [ -d ~/dotfiles ]; then echo "[DOTFILES] Detected: moving to correct location" mv -nv ~/dotfiles/* ~ mv -nv ~/dotfiles/.* ~ rmdir ~/dotfiles fi if [ -x "$(which vim)" -a -e ~/.vim/bundle ]; then echo "[VIM] Detected: initialising Vim bundle" git submodule init git submodule update echo "[VIM] Upgrading plugins" ~/bin/vim-upgrade fi if [ -x "$(which ansible)" -a -f ~/.ansible/${OS}_galaxy.yaml ]; then echo "[ANSIBLE] Detected: initialising Galaxy dependencies" ansible-galaxy install -r ~/.ansible/${OS}_galaxy.yaml echo "[ANSIBLE] Running desktop installation and configuration" ansible-playbook ~/.ansible/desktop.yaml -K fi