#!/bin/sh # # See: http://www.brendangregg.com/ColonyGraphs/cloud.html hidezone=1 # convert zonenames to "zone-000n" cpulimit=10 # scale node size from 0 to cpulimit percent # For an OS where a single busy process shows pcpu as 100%, such as Linux, # cpulimit can be set to 100. You may want to use smaller values, eg, 10, to # emphasize smaller CPU consumers. For OSes where pcpu is the average across # all CPUs, eg, Solaris, you will want to make cpulimit much smaller (divide # by number of CPUs). function output_colors { echo ' # web comm2color["httpd"] = "palevioletred3"; comm2color["nginx"] = "palevioletred3"; comm2color["zeus.zxtm"] = "palevioletred3"; comm2color["zeus.monitor"] = "palevioletred3"; comm2color["zeus.eventsd"] = "palevioletred3"; comm2color["zeus.admin"] = "palevioletred3"; comm2color["zeus.eventd"] = "palevioletred3"; comm2color["zeus.flipper"] = "palevioletred3"; comm2color["curl"] = "palevioletred3"; comm2color["wget"] = "palevioletred3"; # databases comm2color["mysqld"] = "orchid"; comm2color["./mysqld"] = "orchid"; comm2color["mysql"] = "orchid"; comm2color["mysqladmin"] = "orchid"; comm2color["memcached"] = "orchid"; comm2color["riak"] = "orchid"; # languages comm2color["ruby"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["ruby18"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["php"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["php5-cgi"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["php-cgi"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["perl"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["miniperl"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["python"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["python2.5"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["python2.6"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["java"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["erl"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["run_erl"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["beam.smp"] = "palegreen3"; comm2color["Beam.smp"] = "palegreen3"; # user comm2color["screen"] = "olivedrab3"; comm2color["vi"] = "olivedrab3"; comm2color["vim"] = "olivedrab3"; comm2color["emacs"] = "olivedrab3"; comm2color["ssh"] = "olivedrab3"; comm2color["firefox"] = "olivedrab3"; comm2color["Google"] = "olivedrab3"; # compiler comm2color["gcc"] = "peachpuff3"; comm2color["ld"] = "peachpuff3"; # other comm2color["sendmail"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["nrpe"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["master"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["qmgr"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["tslmgr"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["pickup"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["zabbix"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["zabbix_agentd"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["rrdtool"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["couriertls"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["couriertcpd"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["courierlogger"] = "skyblue3"; #comm2color["authdaemond"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["imapd"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["postgres"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["authdeamond"] = "skyblue3"; comm2color["smtp"] = "skyblue3"; # highlight comm2color["iperf"] = "lightsalmon"; comm2color["bonnie"] = "lightsalmon"; comm2color["bonnie++"] = "lightsalmon"; comm2color["sysbench"] = "lightsalmon"; comm2color["top"] = "lightsalmon"; # shell scripting comm2color["cat"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["ggrep"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["grep"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["sed"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["awk"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["gawk"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["head"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["tail"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["cut"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["wc"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["basename"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["dirname"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["hostname"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["uname"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["dc"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["bc"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["date"] = "lightblue3"; comm2color["sleep"] = "lightblue3"; # unused: lightcyan3 # system comm2color["zlogin"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["sh"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["sshd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["bash"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["-bash"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["login"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["init"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["fsflush"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["pageout"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["sulogin"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color[""] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["rotatelogs"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["zoneadmd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["ttymon"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["syseventd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["fmd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["devfsadmd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["ntpd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["rcapd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["in.ndpd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["picld"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["ldap_cachemgr"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["dlmgmtd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["sac"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["ps"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["sort"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["nscd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["ttymod"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["lockd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["statd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["poold"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["lockd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["svc.startd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["svc.configd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["cron"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["inetd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["utmpd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["syslogd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["zsched"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["kcfd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["snmpd"] = "paleturquoise3"; comm2color["rpcbind"] = "paleturquoise3"; color2trans["palevioletred3"] = "#cd68893f"; color2trans["orchid"] = "#da70d63f"; color2trans["palegreen3"] = "#7ccd7c3f"; color2trans["olivedrab3"] = "#9acd323f"; color2trans["peachpuff3"] = "#cdaf953f"; color2trans["skyblue3"] = "#6ca6cd3f"; color2trans["lightsalmon"] = "#ffa07a3f"; color2trans["lightblue3"] = "#9ac0cd3f"; color2trans["paleturquoise3"] = "#96cdcd3f"; color2hex["palevioletred3"] = "#cd6889"; color2hex["orchid"] = "#da70d6"; color2hex["palegreen3"] = "#7ccd7c"; color2hex["olivedrab3"] = "#9acd32"; color2hex["peachpuff3"] = "#cdaf95"; color2hex["skyblue3"] = "#6ca6cd"; color2hex["lightsalmon"] = "#ffa07a"; color2hex["lightblue3"] = "#9ac0cd"; color2hex["paleturquoise3"] = "#96cdcd"; ' } function ps2gv { echo 'digraph ptree {' echo 'node [ style = filled ];' cat - | awk ' BEGIN { curzone = ""; '"`output_colors`"' hidezone = '$hidezone' cpulimit = '$cpulimit' } $1 != curzone { curzone = $1 } $3 > 10 && $3 != "PID" { ppid = $2 pid = $3 mem = $4 realppid = ppid gsub(/.*-/, "", realppid) cpu = $5 if (cpu == "-") { cpu = "0" } comm = $6 present = $7; if (realppid == 1) { realzone = curzone gsub(/.*-/, "", realzone) ppid = ppid "-" realzone if (hidezone && !hidezonemask[curzone]) { hidezonemask[curzone] = 1 zoneid++ printf " \"%s\" [ label = \"zone-%05d\" ];\n", ppid, zoneid } } gsub(/^\/.*\//, "", comm) gsub(/.*\./, "", comm) colortxt = "" if (comm2color[comm] != "") { colortxt = "color = \"" comm2color[comm] "\" " } # animation, if column provided: if (present != "" && present == "0") { colortxt = colortxt " style = \"invis\"" } # node size, based an pcpu: if (cpu < 0.1) { sizetxt = "" } else { if (cpu > cpulimit) { cpu = cpulimit; } ratio = mem / 10; width = sprintf("%.2f", 1 + 1.8 * ratio); height = sprintf("%.2f", 0.7 + 2.3 * ratio); sizetxt = " width = \"" width " \" height = \"" height "\" " } print " \"" ppid "\" -> \"" pid "\" [ " colortxt " ];" print " \"" pid "\" [ label = \"" comm "\" " colortxt sizetxt " ];" } ' echo '}' } [ ! -x "$(which neato 2>/dev/null)" ] && echo "neato(1) (graphviz) is not installed." && exit 1 [ $(uname -s) = "Darwin" ] && ZONE="sess" ps -eo ${ZONE:=zone},ppid,pid,pmem,pcpu,comm | ps2gv | neato -Tpng -Nfontsize=12 -Elen=1.9 | open -f -a /Applications/Preview.app