#!/bin/bash # This is based on "preexec.bash" but is customized for iTerm2. # Note: this module requires 2 bash features which you must not otherwise be # using: the "DEBUG" trap, and the "PROMPT_COMMAND" variable. iterm2_preexec_install # will override these and if you override one or the other this _will_ break. # This is known to support bash3, as well as *mostly* support bash2.05b. It # has been tested with the default shells on MacOS X 10.4 "Tiger", Ubuntu 5.10 # "Breezy Badger", Ubuntu 6.06 "Dapper Drake", and Ubuntu 6.10 "Edgy Eft". # tmux and screen are not supported; even using the tmux hack to get escape # codes passed through, ncurses interferes and the cursor isn't in the right # place at the time it's passed through. if [[ "$TERM" != screen && "$ITERM_SHELL_INTEGRATION_INSTALLED" = "" && "$-" == *i* ]]; then ITERM_SHELL_INTEGRATION_INSTALLED=Yes # Saved copy of your PS1. This is used to detect if the user changes PS1 # directly. ITERM_PREV_PS1 will hold the last value that this script set PS1 to # (including various custom escape sequences). ITERM_PREV_PS1="$PS1" # This variable describes whether we are currently in "interactive mode"; # i.e. whether this shell has just executed a prompt and is waiting for user # input. It documents whether the current command invoked by the trace hook is # run interactively by the user; it's set immediately after the prompt hook, # and unset as soon as the trace hook is run. ITERM_PREEXEC_INTERACTIVE_MODE="" # Default do-nothing implementation of preexec. function preexec () { true } # Default do-nothing implementation of precmd. function precmd () { true } # This function is installed as the PROMPT_COMMAND; it is invoked before each # interactive prompt display. It sets a variable to indicate that the prompt # was just displayed, to allow the DEBUG trap, below, to know that the next # command is likely interactive. function iterm2_preexec_invoke_cmd () { # Ideally we could do this in iterm2_preexec_install but CentOS 7.2 and # RHEL 7.2 complain about bashdb-main.inc not existing if you do that # (issue 4160). # *BOTH* of these options need to be set for the DEBUG trap to be invoked # in ( ) subshells. This smells like a bug in bash to me. The null stackederr # redirections are to quiet errors on bash2.05 (i.e. OSX's default shell) # where the options can't be set, and it's impossible to inherit the trap # into subshells. set -o functrace > /dev/null 2>&1 shopt -s extdebug > /dev/null 2>&1 \local s=$? last_hist_ent="$(HISTTIMEFORMAT= builtin history 1)"; precmd; # This is an iTerm2 addition to try to work around a problem in the # original preexec.bash. # When the PS1 has command substitutions, this gets invoked for each # substitution and each command that's run within the substitution, which # really adds up. It would be great if we could do something like this at # the end of this script: # PS1="$(iterm2_prompt_prefix)$PS1($iterm2_prompt_suffix)" # and have iterm2_prompt_prefix set a global variable that tells precmd not to # output anything and have iterm2_prompt_suffix reset that variable. # Unfortunately, command substitutions run in subshells and can't # communicate to the outside world. # Instead, we have this workaround. We save the original value of PS1 in # $ITERM_ORIG_PS1. Then each time this function is run (it's called from # PROMPT_COMMAND just before the prompt is shown) it will change PS1 to a # string without any command substitutions by doing eval on ITERM_ORIG_PS1. At # this point ITERM_PREEXEC_INTERACTIVE_MODE is still the empty string, so preexec # won't produce output for command substitutions. # The first time this is called ITERM_ORIG_PS1 is unset. This tests if the variable # is undefined (not just empty) and initializes it. We can't initialize this at the # top of the script because it breaks with liquidprompt. liquidprompt wants to # set PS1 from a PROMPT_COMMAND that runs just before us. Setting ITERM_ORIG_PS1 # at the top of the script will overwrite liquidprompt's PS1, whose value would # never make it into ITERM_ORIG_PS1. Issue 4532. It's important to check # if it's undefined before checking if it's empty because some users have # bash set to error out on referencing an undefined variable. if [ -z "${ITERM_ORIG_PS1+xxx}" ] then # ITERM_ORIG_PS1 always holds the last user-set value of PS1. # You only get here on the first time iterm2_preexec_invoke_cmd is called. export ITERM_ORIG_PS1="$PS1" fi if [[ "$PS1" != "$ITERM_PREV_PS1" ]] then export ITERM_ORIG_PS1="$PS1" fi # Get the value of the prompt prefix, which will change $? \local iterm2_prompt_prefix_value="$(iterm2_prompt_prefix)" # Reset $? to its saved value, which might be used in $ITERM_ORIG_PS1. sh -c "exit $s" # Set PS1 to various escape sequences, the user's preferred prompt, and more escape sequences. export PS1="\[$iterm2_prompt_prefix_value\]$ITERM_ORIG_PS1\[$(iterm2_prompt_suffix)\]" # Save the value we just set PS1 to so if the user changes PS1 we'll know and we can update ITERM_ORIG_PS1. export ITERM_PREV_PS1="$PS1" sh -c "exit $s" # This must be the last line in this function, or else # iterm2_preexec_invoke_exec will do its thing at the wrong time. ITERM_PREEXEC_INTERACTIVE_MODE="yes"; } # This function is installed as the DEBUG trap. It is invoked before each # interactive prompt display. Its purpose is to inspect the current # environment to attempt to detect if the current command is being invoked # interactively, and invoke 'preexec' if so. function iterm2_preexec_invoke_exec () { if [ ! -t 1 ] then # We're in a piped subshell (STDOUT is not a TTY) like # (echo -n A; sleep 1; echo -n B) | wc -c # ...which should return "2". return fi if [[ -n "${COMP_LINE:-}" ]] then # We're in the middle of a completer. This obviously can't be # an interactively issued command. return fi if [[ -z "$ITERM_PREEXEC_INTERACTIVE_MODE" ]] then # We're doing something related to displaying the prompt. Let the # prompt set the title instead of me. return else # If we're in a subshell, then the prompt won't be re-displayed to put # us back into interactive mode, so let's not set the variable back. # In other words, if you have a subshell like # (sleep 1; sleep 2) # You want to see the 'sleep 2' as a set_command_title as well. if [[ 0 -eq "$BASH_SUBSHELL" ]] then ITERM_PREEXEC_INTERACTIVE_MODE="" fi fi if [[ "iterm2_preexec_invoke_cmd" == "$BASH_COMMAND" ]] then # Sadly, there's no cleaner way to detect two prompts being displayed # one after another. This makes it important that PROMPT_COMMAND # remain set _exactly_ as below in iterm2_preexec_install. Let's switch back # out of interactive mode and not trace any of the commands run in # precmd. # Given their buggy interaction between BASH_COMMAND and debug traps, # versions of bash prior to 3.1 can't detect this at all. ITERM_PREEXEC_INTERACTIVE_MODE="" return fi # In more recent versions of bash, this could be set via the "BASH_COMMAND" # variable, but using history here is better in some ways: for example, "ps # auxf | less" will show up with both sides of the pipe if we use history, # but only as "ps auxf" if not. hist_ent="$(HISTTIMEFORMAT= builtin history 1)"; \local prev_hist_ent="${last_hist_ent}"; last_hist_ent="${hist_ent}"; if [[ "${prev_hist_ent}" != "${hist_ent}" ]]; then \local this_command="$(echo "${hist_ent}" | sed -e "s/^[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*//g")"; else \local this_command=""; fi; # If none of the previous checks have earlied out of this function, then # the command is in fact interactive and we should invoke the user's # preexec hook with the running command as an argument. preexec "$this_command"; } # Execute this to set up preexec and precmd execution. function iterm2_preexec_install () { # Finally, install the actual traps. if ( [ x"${PROMPT_COMMAND:-}" = x ]); then PROMPT_COMMAND="iterm2_preexec_invoke_cmd"; else # If there's a trailing semicolon folowed by spaces, remove it (issue 3358). PROMPT_COMMAND="$(echo -n $PROMPT_COMMAND | sed -e 's/; *$//'); iterm2_preexec_invoke_cmd"; fi # The $_ is ignored, but prevents it from changing (issue 3932). trap 'iterm2_preexec_invoke_exec "$_"' DEBUG; } # -- begin iTerm2 customization function iterm2_begin_osc { printf "\033]" } function iterm2_end_osc { printf "\007" } # Runs after interactively edited command but before execution function preexec() { iterm2_begin_osc printf "133;C;" iterm2_end_osc # If PS1 still has the value we set it to in iterm2_preexec_invoke_cmd then # restore it to its original value. It might have changed if you have # another PROMPT_COMMAND (like liquidprompt) that modifies PS1. if [ -n "${ITERM_ORIG_PS1+xxx}" -a "$PS1" = "$ITERM_PREV_PS1" ] then export PS1="$ITERM_ORIG_PS1" fi iterm2_ran_preexec="yes" } function precmd () { # Work around a bug in CentOS 7.2 where preexec doesn't run if you press # ^C while entering a command. if [[ -z "${iterm2_ran_preexec:-}" ]] then preexec "" fi iterm2_ran_preexec="" } function iterm2_print_state_data() { iterm2_begin_osc printf "1337;RemoteHost=%s@%s" "$USER" "$iterm2_hostname" iterm2_end_osc iterm2_begin_osc printf "1337;CurrentDir=%s" "$PWD" iterm2_end_osc iterm2_print_user_vars } # Usage: iterm2_set_user_var key value function iterm2_set_user_var() { iterm2_begin_osc printf "1337;SetUserVar=%s=%s" "$1" $(printf "%s" "$2" | base64) iterm2_end_osc } if [ -z "$(type -t iterm2_print_user_vars)" ] || [ "$(type -t iterm2_print_user_vars)" != function ]; then # iterm2_print_user_vars is not already defined. Provide a no-op default version. # # Users can write their own version of this function. It should call # iterm2_set_user_var but not produce any other output. function iterm2_print_user_vars() { true } fi function iterm2_prompt_prefix() { iterm2_begin_osc printf "133;D;\$?" iterm2_end_osc iterm2_print_state_data iterm2_begin_osc printf "133;A" iterm2_end_osc } function iterm2_prompt_suffix() { iterm2_begin_osc printf "133;B" iterm2_end_osc } function iterm2_print_version_number() { iterm2_begin_osc printf "1337;ShellIntegrationVersion=2;shell=bash" iterm2_end_osc } # If hostname -f is slow on your system, set iterm2_hostname before sourcing this script. if [ -z "${iterm2_hostname:-}" ]; then iterm2_hostname=$(hostname -f) fi iterm2_preexec_install # This is necessary so the first command line will have a hostname and current directory. iterm2_print_state_data iterm2_print_version_number fi