FROM alpine:3.14 as intermediate RUN mkdir /src WORKDIR /src # Install the build tools RUN apk add git go make # Fetch the source RUN git clone # Compile the Linux binaries for all platforms WORKDIR /src/nebula RUN echo 'bin-linux: $(ALL_LINUX:%=build/%/nebula) $(ALL_LINUX:%=build/%/nebula-cert)' >> Makefile RUN make bin-linux # Start from a clean image FROM alpine:3.14 RUN mkdir /app WORKDIR /app # Copy over the compiled binaries COPY --from=intermediate /src/nebula/build ./ # Rename the directories from `go env` format to `uname` format RUN mv linux-amd64 linux-x86_64 COPY EXPOSE 4242/udp ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/sh", "/app/" ]