# InfraNet

Distributed & E2EE self-hosting

## Goals

* End-to-end encrypted

  E2EE is a requirement for privacy.

* Collabrative

  Members of the network are expected to cooperate to the best of their abilities, whether it's technical, financial or resources.

* Distributed, resilient, reliable and dynamic

  Nodes should be able to join and leave without too much disruption.  Bootstrapping, joining and autodiscovery should be as easy as possible, allowing for easy scaling across all members of the network.

* Free and open

  All components should be free and open.

* Shared responsibility

  Knowledge of components will be documented and shared and responsibility for the uptime and maintainence should be shared where possible.

## Design principles

* Tested

  All components and goals should be testable to ensure changes don't impact existing functionality or reliabilty.

* Monitored

  All components should be monitored and raise appropriate alerts to ensure good health and early detection of potential problems.

* Containerised

  Simple, versioned components that can be resource constrained, when required, would be of great benefit.

* IPv6

  Avoiding issues with IPv4 NAT, etc. would be desirable.

* Multi-architecture

  The underlaying hardware type shouldn't be a constraint, within reason.