119 lines
3.8 KiB
119 lines
3.8 KiB
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
logger = logging.getLogger('android_appium')
def run():
Start noVNC, installation of needed android SDK packages and Appium server.
android_version = os.getenv('ANDROID_VERSION', '4.2.2')
os.environ['emulator_name'] = 'emulator_{version}'.format(version=android_version)
# Start Xvfb
subprocess.check_call('Xvfb ${DISPLAY} -screen ${SCREEN} ${SCREEN_WIDTH}x${SCREEN_HEIGHT}x${SCREEN_DEPTH} & '
'sleep ${TIMEOUT}', shell=True)
# Start noVNC, installation of packages and appium
vnc_cmd = 'openbox-session & x11vnc -display ${DISPLAY} -nopw -ncache 10 -forever & ' \
'./noVNC/utils/launch.sh --vnc localhost:${LOCAL_PORT} --listen ${TARGET_PORT}'
android_cmd = get_android_bash_commands(android_version)
if android_cmd:
cmd = '({vnc}) & (xterm -T "Android-Appium" -n "Android-Appium" -e \"{android} && ' \
'/bin/echo $emulator_name && appium\")'.format(vnc=vnc_cmd, android=android_cmd)
logger.warning('There is no android packages installed!')
cmd = '({vnc}) & (xterm -e \"appium\")'.format(vnc=vnc_cmd)
subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
def get_available_sdk_packages():
Get list of available sdk packages.
:return: List of available packages.
:rtype: bytearray
cmd = ['android', 'list', 'sdk']
output_str = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
logger.info('List of Android SDK: ')
return [output.strip() for output in output_str.split('\n')] if output_str else None
def get_item_position(keyword, items):
Get position of item in array by given keyword.
:return: Item position.
:rtype: int
pos = 0
for p, v in enumerate(items):
if keyword in v:
pos = p
break # Get the first item that match with keyword
return pos
def get_android_bash_commands(android_version):
Get bash commands to install given android version and to create android emulator.
To see list of available targets: android list targets
To see list to avd: android list avd
:param android_version: android version
:type android_version: str
:return: bash commands
:rtype: bytearray
bash_command = None
packages = get_available_sdk_packages()
if packages:
item_pos = get_item_position(android_version, packages)
logger.info('item position: {pos}'.format(pos=item_pos))
item = packages[item_pos]
item_info = item.split('-')
package_number = item_info[0]
api_version = re.search('%s(.*)%s' % ('API', ','), item_info[1]).group(1).strip()
'Package number: {number}, API version: {version}'.format(number=package_number, version=api_version))
commands = []
# Command to install SDK package
commands.append('echo y | android update sdk --no-ui --filter {number}'.format(number=package_number))
# Command to install armeabi v7a
commands.append('echo y | android update sdk --no-ui -a --filter sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-{api}'.format(
# Command to create android emulator
'echo no | android create avd -f -n emulator_{version} -t android-{api} --abi armeabi-v7a'.format(
version=android_version, api=api_version))
# Join all commands in one str for xterm
bash_command = ' && '.join(commands)
raise RuntimeError('Packages is empty!')
except IndexError as i_err:
return bash_command
if __name__ == '__main__':