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Android emulator and Appium server in docker solution with noVNC supported.
Docker is installed in your system.
1. Android emulator with different devices / skins
2. noVNC
3. Appium server
4. Able to connect to selenium grid
5. Browser application for mobile website testing
- Chrome version 55 (for x86 and armeabi)
- Firefox version 51 (for x86 and armeabi)
Quick Start
1. Enable **Virtualization** under **System Setup** in **BIOS**. (It is only for Ubuntu OS. If you use different OS, you can skip this step).
2. Run docker-appium.
**Optional arguments**
--privileged : Only for ubuntu OS. This flag allow to use system image x86 for better performance
-v <path_of_apk>:/target_apk : Path of android apk that want to be tested
-e DEVICE="<device_name>" : Device name. Default device is Nexus 5
-e ANDROID_VERSION=<android_version>: Android version of emulator. Default android version is 5.0
-e EMULATOR_TYPE=<armeabi/x86> : Emulator system image. Default system image is armeabi
**An Example command to run docker-appium under linux**
docker run --privileged -d -p 6080:6080 -p 4723:4723 -v $PWD/example/sample_apk:/target_apk -e DEVICE="Nexus 5" -e ANDROID_VERSION=5.0 -e EMULATOR_TYPE=armeabi --name appium-container butomo1989/docker-appium
2. Verify the ip address of docker-machine.
- For OSX, you can find out by using following command:
docker-machine ip default
- For different OS, localhost should work.
3. Open ***http://docker-machine-ip-address:6080/vnc.html*** from web browser.
4. Wait until the installation of selected android version packages is done and appium is ready to use by waiting following message shown in Terminal:
![][Appium is ready]
*The name of created emulator can be seen in that terminal. In screenshot above, the emulator name is* ***nexus\_5_5.0***.
5. Run your UI tests by using docker-appium and Android emulator will be started automatically by following desire capability:
desired_caps = {
'avd': 'nexus_5_5.0'
***Note: In folder "example" there is an example of Appium-UITest that is written in python.***
Connect to Selenium Grid
pass environment variable **CONNECT\_TO\_GRID=True** to connect docker-appium to your selenium grid.
**Optional arguments**
-e APPIUM_HOST="<host_ip_address>" : where / on which instance is appium server running. Default value:
-e APPIUM_PORT=<port_number> : which port is appium server running. Default port: 4723
-e SELENIUM_HOST="<host_ip_address>": where / on which instance is selenium grid running. Default value:
-e SELENIUM_PORT=<port_number> : which port is selenium grid running. default port: 4444
![][connect to grid 1] ![][connect to grid 2]
List of Devices
For **EMULATOR_TYPE=x86** and android version < 5.0 this feature will be not available.
Type | Device Name
--- | ---
Phone | Galaxy Nexus
Phone | Nexus 4
Phone | Nexus 5
Phone | Nexus 5x
Phone | Nexus 6
Phone | Nexus 6P
Phone | Nexus One
Phone | Nexus S
Tablet | Pixel C
Tablet | Nexus 7
Tablet | Nexus 9
Tablet | Nexus 10
![][nexus 5]
All logs inside container are stored under folder **/var/log/supervisor**. you can print out log file by using **docker exec**. Example:
docker exec -it appium-container tail -f /var/log/supervisor/docker-appium.stdout.log
[noVNC]: <images/noVNC.png> "login with noVNC to see what happen inside container"
[Appium is ready]: <images/appium.png> "appium is ready"
[connect to grid 1]: <images/appium_with_selenium_grid_01.png>
[connect to grid 2]: <images/appium_with_selenium_grid_02.png>
[nexus 5]: <images/run_under_nexus_5.png>